
Where’s The Store? (Obsolete)

(Post is currently obsolete – 14/03/2017)

Many of you are probably wondering where you can buy the eBooks that Gold Orchid Publishing is going to publish…

And some of you have probably noticed the adjustments to the website that show the link to the Store Front…

But the store doesn’t seem to be working. Why?
It’s very simple – until we’ve got all of the first eBooks ready, we are keeping the store in maintenance mode so that it isn’t sitting there empty waiting for the shelves to be filled, so to speak.

However, until those shelves are filled, all the upcoming books are listed in the Coming Soon pages on the website, which you can peruse to figure out which eBooks will be on your wishlist! ๐Ÿ™‚

We’ve currently got eBooks listed in the following genres:
Historical Romance
Modern Romance

The covers are pending on a lot of these still, but they’ll be adjusted as soon as the covers are done (and we’re very much looking forward to that!). ๐Ÿ™‚