Dangerous Jungles

By Brooke Holme

(Genre – Modern Romance)

“Setting out on an innocent expedition to an archaeological dig in order to complete her PhD, Viona Stone expects her trip to the jungle to be nothing out of ordinary; in fact, she is fully prepared to be bored.

But reaching her destination, she finds herself surprised, as the leader of the dig, Nathan Forde, is nothing alike to what she expected – instead of an everyday scientist, she finds herself in company of a tall, handsome, incredibly masculine researcher.

To her dismay, Viona is almost fatally attracted to him… but in the jungle, where robbers prey on the dig, her untimely attraction, answered or unanswered, may not be the only thing fatal…”

Cover Copyright © K. Robertson (using stock image courtesy of papaija2008 (FreeDigitalPhotos.net) and Gimp brushes by ThaSprout (DeviantArt.com))

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You can read Brooke Holme’s Guest Blog Entry on Inspiration here!