Tag: Author

Author, Book Review, Publishing, Review, Store

Book Review – “Words of Sorrow and Joy” by Christopher Allen

A great poet manages to evoke universal truths through his work. In Words of Sorrow and Joy, Christopher Allen does just this. Through his poetry, Allen takes us on a pensive and wistful journey through the peaks and valleys of life. To read his work is to delve into the manifold emotions of daily life — both the …

Author, Book Review, Publishing, Reading, Store

Book Review – “In the Dark” by James Key

In the Dark was the first Gold Orchid eBook I chose to read. The novella attracted me above all others due to its noir-esque mystery plot. As a fan of classic films and the noir genre in general, I was particularly drawn to the book’s storyline, which sounded like something straight out of a sultry 1940’s …

Author, Guest Entry

Meet An Author – Emily Shankle And The Raven’s Wing

Guest Entry By Helidth Ravenholm (Originally posted on Buzzfeed) It’s a fact – a lot more people write than you’d think. Another fact – a lot more people write really, really well than you’d think. For some, writing is their life – from the moment they’ve realised what they wanted to be when they grew …

Author, Guest Entry, Writing

Rose Raven – What Inspires Me?

Guest Post by Rose Raven (Author of The Pirate’s Lover, The Pirate’s Captive, The Pirate’s Choices, The Colonel’s Captive, and The Gambler’s Debt) “I tend to write on a whim, rather than in a focused way… so a lot of this is just whim-orientated bits of nothing that turn into a story. I like to …


Facebook For Authors

When promoting yourself as an author, there are a number of methods that can boost you on the internet. As a publishing company, we are very aware that the author’s own self-promotion can play a part in both their success as an author and our success in publishing them well. Whilst these pointers and suggestions …

Guest Entry, Writing

Styles of Writing And Which Person

Guest Entry by H. Ravenholm Having dissected all those potential pitfalls that await an author in this complicated world, let’s now look at the styles of writing and which person you write in.

Guest Entry, Writing

Styles Of Writing

Guest Entry by H. Ravenholm It’s a definite – there are probably as many styles of writing as there are people (read that potential authors, read that potential authors we want to publish  ). But… and that’s an everlasting but for all authors… what if, that terrible, niggling if, what if what you are …


Why The Submission Email?

Every publisher that allows unsolicited submissions will provide the prospective author with a list of what they want in the submission letter/email… And so do we… But why do we ask for the particular details in our How To Submit section?

Author, Guest Entry, Writing

Brooke Holme – I Find Inspiration In…

Guest Entry by Brooke Holme (Author of Dangerous Jungles, Masks, Times Apart and In The Middle of Things) “I’ve got a strong background in social sciences, so my background creates the twists and plots in the story. I often get worried that I include too much of the more technical in my books, so I …